
Showing posts from March, 2020

Plimoth Plantation

Some hardships they faced was they did not have much medicine and they had to be in the bad smelling under part of the ship. Once they reached the new world they had some struggles. One of them was they did not have homes and they did not have many tools. One colonist I thought was cool was the person in the militia. Something that I learned about him was that he had many things of gun powder and he wore some armor.  The Wampanoag were a group of Native Americans that helped the pilgrims out. The pilgrims and the Wampanoag lives were different. One thing I can contrast about their lives were the pilgrims usually lived in houses made of wood the wampanoag made dome like houses that were made of cattail reeds. The colonist usually ate vegetables if they ate meat it would usually be eel. The wampanoag ate deer, bear, and moose. They also ate vegetables. By Alejandro

Pet Monkey

do you think a monkey would make a good pet? No. They would eat all my bananas and jump around and destroy everything. I would rather have a dog because they are smart enough not to eat my food. Some dogs are not smart but most are. Cats are better than monkeys because they do not run around and destroy everything. By Elias!


Snappsy thinks the narrator is awful because he just wants to have a normal life. "I was having a normal day until  you started to talk about me!" This shows that Snappsy does not like people talking about him. By Alejandro

Ellis Island

Hello my name is Alex. I came here from Spain. While I was on the boat ride here I experienced many things. I experienced rough weather! I also experienced different people getting different sicknesses. When I got to Ellis Island, they questioned me. It was boring waiting in line. I came to the U.S.A to meet my family. After I got inspected I went to go meet my family. After I got with my family, we went to the place they lived at. That's my story of how I got to the U.S.A. By Alejandro


    Today you will learn about the D-Day: Battle on the beach! (In the book Ranger In Time). At first Leo got up and ran downstairs but a battle had begun.Than everyone was gone but Leo. He went out and there was smoke everywhere. By Elias!

FIFA Mobile

My favorite video game is FIFA because you get to play soccer against your favorite team! You can get new players too! If I could make it better I would make people do tricks. Like do cool tricks like bicycle kicks as good as Ronaldo! I could try to add more training activities. By Elias!

Megan Rapinoe

Megan Rapinoe was born on July 5,1985. She started playing soccer at age three. Her dad taught her when she was young. She Played her first world cup in 2011. She scored the latest goal in world cup history. It was on the 122nd minute! One of Megan Rapinoe's contributions is she is one of the best women soccer players! Her best contribution was she scored the latest goal in world cup history. One character trait that  Megan Rapinoe shows is confidence. She shows confidence because she showed that women can be really good at sports too. That is my writing on Megan Rapinoe.

Dream Vacation

   My dream vacation would be in florida! I would want to go there because it is always hot and you can go to the beach a lot. I would eat lots of seafood. My family and I would be there for two weeks. we would play in the ocean a lot and we would play lots of Pokemon Go on the beach.       I would invite James to come along so we could play together! We both like Pokemon so we could play Pokemon in the water. My brother could join us too and then we could make a very big sandcastle! We could also play with water guns! I think going to the beach would be awesome! By Alejandro

No School is No Fun

     I miss school because I do not get to see all my friends. I would have been playing with them. I would have been working with them.  My best friends are Maki, Arezy, Baqir, and Zoyon. I would probably work with them.I would play tag with my and their friends.    By Elias!

No School is the Best

     No school is so fun because I get to do anything I want. Sometimes my dad makes me do so much work! But at the end I get to play video games. Sometimes we get to invite some friends over. At the end of the day we get to do scratch because my mom bought this book that tells you how to code. By Elias!

No School is Awesome

Not going to school is fun! I think it’s fun because we don't have to do a million assignments. It’s also fun because we get to play video games everyday! We also get to do scratch because my mom bought me and my brother a How To Code book and we are having lot’s of fun with it. We also get lots of time to read. Today my dad had to come get us from our bed because we were reading. Me and my brother are having lots of fun at home! By Alejandro

Alolan starters

Decidueye is an awesome Pokemon. It can make arrows appear out of thin air. Its signature move is spirit shackle. It can also use a Z-move called sinister arrow raid. It is the last form of Rowlet. In the Alola region there are three different starters. Their names are Rowlet, Litten, and Popplio. They are like the three starters in the kanto region. Popplio is a water type, Litten is a fire type and Rowlet is a grass type. By Alejandro