Plimoth Plantation

Some hardships they faced was they did not have much medicine and they had to be in the bad smelling under part of the ship. Once they reached the new world they had some struggles. One of them was they did not have homes and they did not have many tools. One colonist I thought was cool was the person in the militia. Something that I learned about him was that he had many things of gun powder and he wore some armor.

 The Wampanoag were a group of Native Americans that helped the pilgrims out. The pilgrims and the Wampanoag lives were different. One thing I can contrast about their lives were the pilgrims usually lived in houses made of wood the wampanoag made dome like houses that were made of cattail reeds. The colonist usually ate vegetables if they ate meat it would usually be eel. The wampanoag ate deer, bear, and moose. They also ate vegetables.

By Alejandro

Wampanoag | Definition, History, Government, Food, & Facts ...


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